The opening of the Carton of Vaud Higher Business School as a commercial section of the Cantonal Industrial School
Our High School Timeline
Substitution to the cantonal industrial school of four separate schools, but with a single management. The commercial section becomes a business school
Creation of three independent institutions: the Industrial school and the Scientific high school, the Cantonal school of business, to which are attached the courses of administration and railways, and the Cantonal Technicum
A new law formally names the Higher School of Business, Administration and Railways of Lausanne
The Association is founded under the name of “Association des anciens élèves d’Administration et Diplômés de l’École supérieure de commerce, d’administration et des chemins de fer de Lausanne”
Construction of the current school, under Beaulieu
Opening ceremony of the new building in Maupas
Opening classes of “Maturité commericale”
Jubilee of the Higher School of Commerce
Diplomas and certificates of commercial maturity are recognized as equivalent to the federal certificate of capacity issued after the end-of-apprenticeship examination for commercial professions.
Constructions of sport infrastructures
Celebration of the centenary of the School
Regionalization of the Higher School of Commerce of the Canton of Vaud by the creation of a new school in the Nord Vaudois (CESSNOV), in Eastern Vaud (CESSEV), in the West Vaudois (CESSOUEST), and a double in Lausanne (CESSRIVE) and Morges (CESS of Morges)
The Association is renamed “l’Association des anciens élèves d’Administration et Diplômés de l’École supérieure de commerce du Canton de Vaud”
Introduction of the federal Economic maturity type in the Caton. The Ecole Superieure de Commerce de Lausanne becomes the CESS of Beaulieu. Maturité Type C and D make their return
Opening to the north of the building, a science annex, made necessary by the requirements of the programs of federal maturity
125th anniversary of the school
New installations of the CESS Beaulieu and the old renovated building are innaugurated
The CESS Beaulieu becomes Gymnase de Beaulieu. Maturity types are removed in favor of a system of specific options.
Opening of the socio-pedagogical maturity
Renovated and expanded gym infrastructure
The annex of Fréminet is transformed and increases its capacity of welcoming students
The Association is renamed the Association of Graduate Students of the Beaulieu Gymnasium